Timothy Goes to School Wiki
Team Project

Episode #


Air Date

October 20, 2000

Previous Episode

The Music Tree

Next Episode

Cherry Blossom

Team Project is the Twelth episode of Timothy Goes to School.


Impressed by Claude's idea for the team project, Timothy chooses him over Yoko. But after Claude refuses to let him do anything, Timothy learns that having fun and working together is more important than winning.


Mrs. Jenkins observes everyone as they work on various creative projects. She gives them all silver stars for their efforts and tells them to add them to the well done wall and they will share what they made with the others. Afterwards, she announces that after recess they will be forming teams to do a new project- the winning team will earn a special prize.

Outside the children play leap frog when Timothy realizes Claude isn't playing. He sees the rocket ship book he's holding and gets closer to ask about it. Claude reveals that he plans on building one for the project. Soon the children return inside and start picking partners: Lily chooses Charles, Nora goes with Fritz, the Franks pick each other, and Timothy was going to choose Yoko, but he picks Claude instead. Yoko is disappointed as Doris chooses Grace, leaving her alone until Mrs. Jenkins realizes this and recommends that she join Lily and Charles. She and Timothy exchange glances, but they say nothing as she leaves to head over to their table.

Timothy tries to communicate with Claude regarding their project, but other than Claude specifically pointing out what they will make, he says nothing.

Later, at his place, Claude has finished the project and asks Timothy to clean up. Timothy tries to help but other than that, he needs nothing else- until Claude reveals they will have to stop for now because he ran out of glue. Timothy offers to get some more and runs home to fetch it, but by the time he gets back he discovers that Claude was able to get more and already finished.

The next morning, Timothy is depressed and doesn't feel like eating. He explains to his mom how Claude didn't let him do anything, so now he doesn't care if they win. At school, everyone overlooks the projects, and they all really like Claude and Timothy's. Mrs. Jenkins asks if they had fun and everyone -except Timothy- confirms that they did, and she goes on to reveal that everyone will earn a silver star. She then reveals a larger star, which she hands over to Claude and Timothy. Timothy observes their star as Yoko approaches him and Claude chats with everybody else, basking in their praise. Timothy remains disappointed and he explains to Yoko that he didn't get to do anything, so he isn't very happy. He recalls what happened with the glue and Yoko happily remarks that she has some too, and a bag of pipe cleaners she brought from home. This perks Timothy up as they sit down together to use them.



  • One of the books written is similar to this episode, but Claude and Timothy were working together for a bake sale. Claude refused to let Timothy help. Unlike the episode, he made a mistake and Timothy called him out on not working together.
  • On Qubo, the latter half of the episode is out of sync, causing a delay and the lip-sync not matching. This was most-likely caused by clipping a scene and not adjusting the remainder of cartoon properly.
  • Shortened or removed scenes from the Qubo version:


  • For a moment, when Timothy and Claude get a silver star and everyone applauds them, Claude's shirt turned blue.
  • When Claude crossed his arms and an up-close shot of Timothy is shown, Claude's fingers are brown like his fur.

